June 04, 2008


Millions of people throughout the world depend on Chiropractic care for their health. Though relatively new to Indonesia, Chiropractic care is excellent for headache, backpain, HNP (Herniated Disc), Scoliosis treatment and other body dysfunction such as high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglyceride, etc.

Developed in 1895 by DD Palmer (a Canadian), Chiropractic is the third largest primary healthcare profession in the world. The United States boasts approximately 70,000 Chiropractors; Canada has around 6000 Chiropractors, and there are approximately 3000 more practicing in Australia. Over 100 countries around the world benefit from Chiropractors working in their communities resulting in over 175,000 Chiropractic clinics worldwide.

Chiropractors are required to have extensive education prior graduation. A minimum of seven years post secondary education is needed to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. The education of the practice of Chiropractic is similar to that of the practice of Medicine but with the emphasis shifted away from drugs and surgery. Chiropractors rely on their training and skills to help release the "much more powerful" natural healing abilities of the body itself. "The power in the body is the power that heals the body.

"Canadian Chiropractic is concerned with the state of function of the human nervous system inside its protective framework of bone (the spinal column) and how that function is related to a persons overall health. Stated another way... altered posture leads to poor health. "Would you buy a car with a twisted frame?"

The loss of spinal alignment interferes with the nerve impulses traveling up and down the spine from the brain to all parts of the body. This leads to poor body function affecting structures such as muscles ligaments, the immune system and all the internal organs. This can lead to a multitude of dysfunctional symptoms that often result in a visit to a health care professional. Instead of just managing the symptoms through drugs or surgery, consider seeing one of the Chiropractors at Canadian Chiropractic today to identify and eliminate the problem by correcting the cause of the dysfunction.